Hard Water

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Water hardness is one of the most common problems faced by homeowners and industries in the US. It affects more than 85% water supply in the country. There are several harmful effects of hard water including insolubility, hard scales on plumbing equipment, corrosion, and health issues ranging from skin problems to hair fall. To mitigate hard water problems, businesses and individuals employ various effective hard water treatment solutions. Although today it is common to find several hard water solutions for home, not all may work equally. Hence, selection of the right solution is important. At Cannon Water Technologies, Inc., we provide effective customized solutions for treating water hardness. All solutions have been used extensively by home owners and proven to work.

Signs and Symptoms of Hard Water

The Water Quality Association of the United States defines hard water as the water that has dissolved hardness minerals above 1 grains per gallon. Hard water is made of four hard minerals – carbonate, magnesium, calcium, and sulfate. Among these, the salts of magnesium and calcium are especially proven to cause hardness. These minerals are introduced in water when it flows through the geological deposits. For instance, calcium salts are introduced in water when it flows through the deposits of limestone, similarly, magnesium salts are introduced when water travels through magnesium formations such as dolomite. The hardness of water is measured using test kits, and the following signs and symptoms help users identify it easily.

  • Scale Buildup: This is one of the common hard water problems known. You will see scale buildup on various plumbing systems such as water heaters, faucets, and pipes. The scale buildup leads to operational failure of water-driven appliances. They also cause pipe clogging, which accelerates the need for quick part replacement.
  • Increased Use of Toiletries: Hard water produces very little lather when combined with soap. It produces soap scum and starts weakening the dissolving properties of water. Thus to get the desired results, one needs to use more than normal quantities of soap, shampoo, and cleaning products to produce lather. This ultimately increases the costs of toiletries.
  • Spots on Utensils: The soap scum doesn’t go away easily and they leave spots on glassware, silverware, and other utensils.
  • Skin Problems: The soap scum stays on the skin longer and doesn’t go away even if you take a shower. This scum settles on skin, thereby clogging its pores and coats the scalp. The scum coated hair scalp serves as the breeding ground for various types of microbes, thereby leading to severe hair fall and dandruff formation. The scum also causes skin irritation demanding quick treatment.
  • High Energy Bills: The hard water scaling inside the water equipment like heaters diminish its performance, thereby leading to increased gas and electricity bills.

Common Hard Water Solutions for Homes Offered by Cannon Water Technologies

At Cannon Water, we work with the sole aim of helping our customers gain access to clean water. All these years, our experts have been helping clients overcome hard water problems by employing these custom solutions.   

  • Reverse Osmosis Filters: These filtration systems are equipped with filters that remove minerals and contaminants in water. The RO filters are proven to remove fluoride, calcium, chlorine, sulfates, and other components producing hard water. Whole house reverse osmosis systems installed at homes means you are getting filtered water at home in your showers, household appliances, and sinks. However, under-the-sink reverse osmosis filtration systems are fit for a single tap and are usually installed in kitchens and other such areas.
  • Hardness Reagents: These are chemical compounds that are used for maintaining quality of water. Hardness reagents help stabilize calcium or magnesium in water samples used for testing. Calcium hardness reagents are used for testing hardness caused due to calcium and magnesium hardness reagents are used for testing hardness of magnesium present in water.
  • Test Kits: The test kits are easy to use and allow you to test the hardness of water on the following scale:
    • Slightly Hard: 1.0-3.5 grains/gallon or 17.1 -60 PPM
    • Moderately Hard: 3.5 -7.0 grains/gallon or 60 -120 PPM
    • Hard: 7.0-10.5 grains/gallons or 120-180 PPM
    • Very Hard: >10.5 grains/gallons or 180+ PPM

At Cannon Water Technologies, we always prioritize customers and their needs before anything else. We do not force them to buy what they see on the website; rather, we work with them to understand their problems before suggesting them any solution. Are you looking for an effective solution for treating water hardness? Do not hesitate to get in touch with our team today. You can also contact us for discussing other water problems like iron and rusting, smelly water, chlorine filters, arsenic water, corrosion, and lead.  Our experts would be happy to help you.