
Pyxis 16mm Oil In Water Extraction Vials Pre-Filled Solvent- 50 Pack

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SKU: 52250
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For easier more efficient testing, this method requires the 16 mm vial/test tube adapter (P/N: 52213) and Pyxis Lab® 16mm prepared extraction vials with pre-filled extraction solvent. The solvent used in this method is 3M ethoxy-nonafluorobutane. It is a non-flammable, low toxicity solvent.


  1. Insert the 16 mm vial adapter into the HM-900 sample compartment, make sure the text on the adapter is right-side-up.
  2. Prepare the extraction solvent bank:
    1. Using a pipette add 3 or 6mL of deionized water (DI Water) to a Pyxis Lab® 16mm extraction vial with pre-filled extraction solvent.
      NOTE* Users may choose 3 or 6mL of sample depending on the projected concentration of oil. (e.g. for higher concentration samples use 3mL)
    2. Shake the vial for two minutes
    3. Let the vial settle for one minute. This will be your solvent blank vial.
  3. Place the extraction solvent blank vial into the 16mm vial adapter.
  4. With the 16mm icon highlighted, press the OK key to measure the solvent blank.
  5. Select an oil type (i.e. calibration curve) desired for this test.
  6. Once an oil type is selected, use the left or right key to select the test range of the selected oil type. LR indicates the low-range test, HR indicates the high-range test.
  7. With ZERO highlighted, press the OK key to measure the blank solvent.
  8. Prepare the sample:
    1. Using a pipette add 3 or 6mL (whichever was used for the solvent blank) of the sample to be tested to another 16mm extraction vial with pre-filled extraction solvent.
    2. Shake the vial for 2 minutes.
    3. Let the vial settle for one minute. This will be your prepared sample vial for final measurement.
  9. Place the sample vial into the adapter.
  10. With READ highlighted, press the OK key to measure the oil concentration with the extraction solvent.
  11. Multiply the displayed value according to the sample volume listed in the user manual to calculate the final oil concentration in the sample.


HM-900 User Manual

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