4 Common Mistakes to Avoid While Selecting a Well Water Filtration System
Posted by David Cannon on 1st Nov 2020

Many households across the globe, especially in the United States get their drinking water from wells. A few others get it from other water bodies such as rivers piped and connected to the government water supply departments. Whichever the source of water, it has a mixture of minerals, chemicals, bacteria, and so on. Sometimes minerals such as iron and magnesium among others are present in ground water in excess quantities. This makes the water hard and unfit for drinking and domestic use.
Well water is usually hard, and hence an appropriate filtration system is required to make it potable From neutralizing pH level of the water to providing chlorine to kill bacteria, water filtration system removes contaminants and impurities from the water. Although this type of filtration system works fine for soft water, it is not enough to purify and soften hard water. Despite the importance of proper well water filtration system, homeowners often make this common mistake while selecting their filtration system. Would you like to know what common mistakes to avoid when testing and treating your well water? This post guides you through all of it.
Common Mistakes Do People Make When Choosing Well Water Filtration Systems
Here are some common mistakes to avoid while selecting wall water treatment systems. So, let's have a look at it.
- Failing to Get a Detailed Water Analysis: Almost, every water treatment system is designed to operate within certain ranges or conditions. For instance, well waters can be defined as acidic water with a pH of less than 7.0, and it also contains iron. Many filtration systems will not remove iron from well water if the water is acidic. Firstly, the water has to be treated to neutralize the acidity. A good water analysis prior to selecting the system is vital. If the well is near to agricultural areas or gasoline stations where an abundance of chemicals is being used, then the water should be analyzed each year to ensure it is clean and safe. For several water quality problems including odors or bad taste, a bacteria test and a general mineral testing is recommended. Without knowing what is present in the water, selecting a customized system is not advised.
- Not Focusing on How Well Water System Works: Many wells pump water using a submersible pump. When the well is shallow, they make use of a jet pump located above the ground level. It pulls the well water to create pressure for the household. Some well water filtration systems make use of a large storage tank to hold the water before it is pumped again to the household. On the other hand, other systems employ the law of gravity to produce the required water pressure. Understanding the basic function of the well water system is vital before selecting a water filtration system. This is because the type of water filtration system used can adversely affect the water pressure and flow rate inside the home.
- Neglecting to Check Water Flow Rate and Pressure: Determining the water pressure and the flow rate is crucial while choosing a well water filtration system. This is because the flow rate of each well varies to some extent. Also, the water has to be pumped through the filtration system, which could impact the flow rate. If the pump pulls less water per minute than what the filtration system needs, then it won't work properly. Thus, it is essential to select a well water filtration system with a proper flow rate.
- Not Understanding the Underlying Water Problem: Many times, the underlying causes or issues may not be obvious. You may need several approaches to understand the actual problem. For instance, highly acidic water (low pH) leaches iron or copper from the inside of the piping. The corrosive effect can affect metal finishes and lead to pinhole leaks. This may lead to stains, sediment, and odors which can affect water quality, color, consistency, and so on.
Different wells demand different water filtration systems. If you have an old well, you may require a high-quality water filtration system to replace your existing one. However, choosing the right kind of water treatment system is a crucial task. So, it is essential to source these systems from reliable manufacturers and suppliers like Cannon Water Technology. The company is a well-known distributor of water filtration systems, chemical pumps, pH meters, and more.