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Essential Guidelines for Reopening Manufacturing Facilities

Posted by David Cannon on 16th Jul 2020

Essential Guidelines for Reopening Manufacturing Facilities

Over the last couple of months, the disruption in the manufacturing units across industries caused by coronavirus or COVID-19 had severe operational as well as financial consequences. Now that businesses are slowly opening, there are a lot of challenges in terms of employee health and safety. The standard safety protocols mentioned by WHO have to be put in place; however, aside from that they need to be innovative about it depending upon the type of manufacturing, area available, sanitization procedures, a number of employees need at a given time, and so on. This is aside from following social distancing, using sanitizers, and wearing protective gear. This post discusses some essential and possible back-to-work protocol for manufacturers post COVID-19.

What Are the Back-to-Work Protocol for Manufacturing Facilities?

Manufacturers, especially from the essential products segment have worked on a war footing to avoid shortage of essential supplies throughout this pandemic. On the other hand, they have concentrated on solving distinct challenges required to keep the business as stable as possible. The following guidelines or practices leverage the real-world experiences that manufacturers across industries have put into place.

  • Manufacturing facilities preparing to reopen their workplaces must develop as well as implement guidelines dealing with temperature check, personal protective equipment (PPE), social distancing, sanitization products, and mainly focus on how to use and disinfect high-traffic areas.
  • Ensure all employees are trained on the hazards of cleaning chemicals being used at the workplace as per OSHA’s Hazard Communication Standards.
  • Limit the number of occupants in offices or elevators or near the machinery. Areas like break rooms and cafeterias must be or rearranged in terms of reduced or distant seating to prevent employees from sharing tables or food.
  • Emphasize on frequent hand sanitizing or washing with soap. They must also be focused on cleaning restrooms after every few hours and sometimes closing certain urinals or sinks to create adequate distance between individuals.
  • Keep the doors open to reduce frequent touching for electronic access as well as door handles. Some facilities may want to invest in hardware, to allow employees to open doors with a foot pedal or their forearms.
  • Any walkways in the facilities may be designated as one-way to reduce crowding and proximity. Some facilities are increasing the usage of communication devices, emails or chatting applications to reduce staff movement and direct communication.
  • Some facilities have increased the time gap between two shifts to ensure all employees from one shift leave the premises before the next shift starts. This helps in preventing accidental contact between workers from different shifts. Many have installed glass barriers in-between where people have to exchange materials or documents and have to meet in person.
  • Employers need to prepare for how to handle those employees who are fearful of becoming ill because of such exposure. Also, they need to establish procedures for dealing with COVID positive employees after they are cured and plan to resume work. They are also recommended to develop and implement workforce contact tracing, which identifies who may have been exposed to suspected or confirmed COVID positive during this period.

Although reopening depends on circumstances, preparing for your business with the required safety protocols and preventive measures will keep your employees safe. By implementing these protocols or practices, it is possible to set high standards for protecting families and communities while creating products essential in daily lives. If you are looking for accessories for COVID-19 measures such as hand sanitizers misting pump, cleaning and disinfecting systems for your facility, then make sure you source them from an industry leader like Cannon Water Technology, Inc. The company is a one-stop solution for all these vital products, and they source it from reliable and trustworthy brands.