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Know the Ways to Remove Viruses from Water

Posted by David Cannon on 10th May 2020

Know the Ways to Remove Viruses from Water

Covid-19 has really hit the world hard, and this spread of the disease may not stop anytime soon. This, in general has generated scare among people due to so many dead or infected patients. But, gradually people are learning to live with it and have started with their lives again. However, we have to be careful and tread cautiously.  This spread of infection will stop over time, but we have to be careful about other viruses, bacteria, and the diseases they cause. Covid-19 spreads through touch and contact with an infected person or surfaces; however, there are many water-borne diseases such as SARS, hepatitis-A, and so on caused by various viruses. In this case, more and more attention needs to be paid towards access to clean water, improvement in filtration systems and technologies, and so on. This needs to be done on a global level, and for this you have enough tools, filtration equipment, and so on available. This post discusses the techniques to remove viruses from water.

Removal of Viruses from Water

Viruses causing water borne diseases pose a huge health concern according to the World Health Organization (WHO). This is why access to clean drinking water across the world holds great significance, and much work is being done in this regard. Removal of viruses is an important part of the water purification process just the way it is for removing bacteria, parasites, and other contaminants.

It is relatively easy to kill bacteria, parasites, and other pathogens aside from viruses, simply because they go through birth and death like any other living beings. However, this is not the case with viruses. So, don’t viruses die? Well, scientifically speaking, they don’t. Simply because they are on the cusp of being a living and non-living entity.  They can be called living because they have an RNA molecule; however, they can’t exist on their own, and which is why they invade a bodies or surfaces of humans and animals to thrive. Viruses make the invaded body their host and replicate; they do not have their own metabolism; and cannot breathe, move, or eat. So, the fact if the matter is that we can only neutralize or inactivate them. Fortunately, there are filtration systems which destroy viruses in water. Here are a few pointers in this regard:

  • Firstly, it is not easy to detect viruses as they cannot be seen through a normal microscope. The detection process for viruses is expensive and time expensive. However, in spite of these difficulties, regulations are in place to inactivate over 99% of enteric viruses in water.
  • Physically filtering out viruses from water is quite difficult as they are extremely small. So, proven removal techniques us as UV light treatment, chemical treatment, chlorination, and so on help in this regard.
  • It is important to note that some techniques such as free chlorine usage are applicable for specific virus species. Largely, UV radiation is the most effective treatment for most viruses so far.
  • UV radiation is commonly used in point-of-use filtration systems at homes.
  • Most water filtration system use UV technique. Physiochemical adsorption techniques in filtration systems may also help in removal of some types of viruses.
  • Carbon filters are commonly used in filtration systems, which may be help
  • ful in removing certain types of viruses.
  • Some viruses trapped in dust, sludge, and so on may be removed with the help of membrane bioreactors fitted in large water filtration systems at the point-of-entry- or local government levels.
  • New PCR techniques are being developed and tested in this regard.
  • To develop effective filtration systems, high-quality pumps and equipment are a must. This is irrespective of whether it is a point-of-use or point-of-entry water filtration system.

Are you a filtration system OEM and looking for high end filtration equipment? If yes, ensure you source the parts from a trusted supplier. Cannon Water Technology is one of the reliable distributors of superior quality chemical pumps and filtration equipment of several brands and types. The company also provides various types of chemical-based corrosion inhibitors for heat exchangers, boilers, and closed systems treatment.