Cannon Water Technology Inc.
Cleaner Test Kit
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Use this simple test kit to determine when cleaning chemicals are flushed from the water system.
Phenolphthalein Indicator Solution will react with high pH in water and turns pink in color.
Closed loop cleaners are typically high in pH and react with this indicator.
Use this test kit to see if cleaner is still present in the system. Once all of the cleaner has been flushed out the test will be clear and no longer show a pink color.
Note: Always check the water used to flush the system to see if it reacts with this test. If it does then that is target color you are looking for when flushing.
Add 3 drops of Phenolphthalein Indicator to a 10 mL sample. Swirl to mix. If a pink color is present continue flushing the system until the test runs clear or compares to city water sample.
Use our PreClean (Eco-Green Series) to efficiently clean your closed system cooling and heating water loops.
To Reorder items in kit call us at 916-315-2691