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By-Pass and Filter Feeders
Neptune By-Pass Feeders are a convenient method of introducing treatment chemicals into closed water recirculation systems. Neptune By-Pass Feeders are ideal for treating hot and chilled closed water recirculation loops used in heating and air conditioning systems, process heating and cooling or large engine water jackets.
Neptune offers two styles of By-Pass Feeders: A vertical style with dish bottom in and a vertical style with dish bottom out. Filters are available for cleanup and monitoring. All By-Pass Feeders feature a high-pressure cap rated to 300 psi (20.7 bar) as a standard. The By-Pass Feeder caps are designed for quick-opening, high-pressure closure for better sealing with less force and eliminates the need for tools. Design binds cap tightly when under pressure, making it necessary to bleed pressure from tank before removing.
The Neptune Filter Feeder combines chemical addition and high-capacity filtering in one piece of equipment. It is a convenient way to introduce solid or liquid chemicals into hot or cold closed water recirculation systems.
Features and Benefits
*At 200Ā°F (93Ā°C) max.