Pulsafeeder’s Gear Low Flow Meters is a precision flow meter that provides metering to PULSAtron models with flow range of 0.25 to 1.85 GPH or6.0 to 44.4 GPD. It is comprised of non-metallic wetted...
The new FS-100 series are state-of-the-art ultrasonic flowmeters that operate on the principle of transit time difference with a measurement range of 0 – 3,000 mL/min and resolution of 1mL. In this...
The new FS-100 series are state-of-the-art ultrasonic flowmeters that operate on the principle of transit time difference with a measurement range of 0 – 3,000 mL/min and resolution of 1mL. In this...
WFM Flowmeters utilize the multi-jet principle to provide dependable, accurate performance. They are available in ¾, 1, 1½ and 2” NPT pipe sizes. A pulse output provides a signal to a controller or...
Pyxis CE-03 304 Stainless Steel Corrosion Electrode Pair – Accurate and Reliable Corrosion Monitoring
Enhance your water treatment and industrial process systems with the Pyxis CE-03 304 Stainless...