You can trust that your order will be quickly processed and safely delivered. We can ship products anywhere in the United States, Canada and most countries using the shipping method of your choice. Please note that UPS cannot ship to post office boxes. When you place an order we will estimate delivery dates based upon the availability of your item(s), shipping method selected and your shipment's destination.
Processing Times
Most orders ship the same day if items are in-stock in our main California warehouse. Since we drop ship some products there may be a slight delay before orders actually ship out. We consider standard lead times to be within 3 days of order. In the event that a longer lead time is needed, we will do our best to keep you informed of these delays.
Next Day and Saturday Delivery
We do not have the ability to calculate or offer UPS Saturday deliveries online. If you need products the next day or on Saturday, please call the office during normal business hours and ask to speak to customer service.
Credit Cards
We only accept credit cards issued by USA Banks. International customers can use their credit cards via PayPal when checking out. PayPal does not require an account, just use the guest checkout with your debit or credit card.
Shipping Insurance
We are not responsible for lost or damaged items caused by any shipping carrier. If an item is lost or damaged in shipment we will help you contact the shipping company to begin their claims process. Insurance is recommended on all orders exceeding $100.00. If you need your order insured you will need to call in your order so we can add the appropriate amount of insurance for the shipping method selected. Please note at this time UPS only guarantees domestic service for UPS Next Day AirĀ®, UPS Next Day Air SaverĀ®, and UPS Next Day AirĀ®āÆEarly.
Shipping Fees
Our shipping charges are determined by the weight and dimension of your order, excluding applicable sales tax. Some products cannot be shipped to international destinations so please submit a message to us from the Contact Us page if you would like to discuss international ordering options. Cannon Water is not responsible for unpaid brokerage and duties fees by consignees receiving our product in Canada or for any international shipment outside of the United States; all fees are the responsibility of consignee.
Free Shipping
If an item is eligible for free shipping it is at our discretion as to the shipping method. We usually ship these items by US Postal Service First Class Mail. We may alternatively ship by UPS or FedEx so be aware that deliveries could come by any of these methods. If an item that qualifies for free shipping is combined with an item that does not then shipping will be calculated for the entire order. If you have questions about this policy please feel free to contact us to discuss it.
Large Items, Hazardous Chemicals
Large items or chemicals that can't ship by common carriers like UPS, FedEx, US Mail etc. will have to ship by truck. We use a variety of LTL freight services and work hard to reduce the cost of shipping wherever possible. Since our shopping cart software cannot calculate these costs please contact us for a freight quote and one of our customer service people can help you with your order.