
Pyxis VoluCheck PTSA System Volume Verification Kits

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SKU: VoluChk
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BZ$460.04 - BZ$1,074.95
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PTSA is a colorless fluorescent dye that has been widely used for the determination of water volume for open and closed recirculating systems. The Pyxis Lab® VoluCheck PTSA System Volume Verification Kit comprises a laminated calculation and instruction sheet, Quantity 10 – 0.45 micron syringe filters and the following pre-weighted PTSA solutions: The Pyxis Lab® SP-350 or the SP-710 units should be used to measure PTSA residual.

VoluCheck Application Details

The PTSA volume verification method is suitable in most recirculating water systems. Closed systemstreated with high levels of nitrite (>500 ppm) or containing high level suspended solids (>100 NTU)should be pre-flushed before using the PTSA sizing method to accurately determine the systemvolume. These elevated levels can interfere with the PTSA measurement. System flushing until nitriteresidual is below 100ppm or turbidity is below 40 NTU is recommended.The SP-350 can be used to check if the water is suitable for the method.


  1. Use the SP-350 to measure the PTSA background. Fill the SP-350 sample cell with the system water. Record the initial background reading as ppb PTSA. If the system water is heavily colored or turbid, filter the water with the 0.45 micron syringe filter.
  2. Make a rough estimate of the system volume range to determine which PTSA solution bottle should be added according to information in the specifications table.
  3. Add the  first full bottle from your VoluCheck kit to the system. Let the system recirculate and mix for 30 minutes (if the system recirculation rate is low and has many stagnant areas, allow longer mixing time). If necessary, add second or more full bottles to achieve the ideal target PTSA concentration in the range of 80 to 260 ppb. Record the total PTSA solution added in Ounces (oz.) and the final PTSA concentration.Calculate system volume by below.

VoluCheck 1K Kit Formula:

Volume (US Gallons) = (Ounces Added x 50,000) / (PTSA in pub Final – PTSA ppb Background)

VoluCheck 10K Kit Formula:

Volume (US Gallons) = (Ounces Added x 250,000) / (PTSA in pub Final – PTSA ppb Background)

VoluCheck 100K Kit Formula:

Volume (US Gallons) = (Ounces Added x 6250,000) / (PTSA in pub Final – PTSA ppb Background)



Bottles in Kit 1K – 10
10K – 10
100K – 4
Bottle Size

1K – 2oz.
10K – 4oz.
100K – 16oz.

Volume Treated Per Bottle 1K – One bottle to 1,000 gal > 100ppb PTSA Increase

10K – One bottle to 10,000gal > 100ppb PTSA Increase

100K – One bottle to 100,000gal > 100ppb PTSA Increase

System Volume Range 1K – 1,000–10,000 US Gallons

10K – 10,000–100,000 US Gallons

100K – 100,000–400,000 US Gallons



VoluCheck MSDS

VoluCheck Kit Fact Sheet

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