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With the rising demand for purified water supply, there have been several techniques/products evolved to maximize the efficiency of water treatment activities. Walchem EZB16D1-VC Series Electronic Chemical Metering Pumps are one amongst the offerings that deliver precise chemical injection at a low cost. With advanced technology, EZB16D1-VC Series pumps fit seamlessly into your process control application. Trusted by water treatment professionals for more than a generation, these chemical metering pumps are designed to offer reliable performance even in the harshest conditions. At Cannon Water Technology, Inc, we offer Walchem Electronic Chemical Metering Pumps with improved drive design, and all new electronics to add convenience and value to your application. The SKU for these pumps is EZB16D1-VC.
Specifications of EZB16D1-VC Series Chemical Metering Pump
EZ Series electronic metering pumps are manufactured to offer versatile and high resolution chemical feed. The compact size and simple control make these pumps extremely easy and convenient to use. EZB16D1-VC Series, which is a combination of superior mechanical design and quality manufacturing, is available in the following specifications.
Features of Walchem Electronic Chemical Metering Pump
With high speed performance, these chemical metering pumps eliminate slug-feeding effects. Moreover, due to their sophisticated engineering and durable construction, the pumps assure effective and reliable performance. A few other beneficial features that add to their popularity in the market place are: