
Discontinued: Lakos SandMaster, Carbon Steel Centrifugal Separator Sand Removal System (100psi)

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Weight: 13.00 LBS

Discontinued: See SMP Series

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Discontinued: Replaced by the SMP Sand Master Plus. 

Sand is commonly found in water coming from well water systems, surface water systems like rivers, lakes and irrigation canals. These deposits can plug system piping, fixtures, sprinkler heads and drip emitters. The Lakos SandMaster Centrifugal Separator is a perfect solution for this problem. The device, when installed, will remove the sand, silt, and grit particles that are deposited in water. Cannon Water Technology, Inc. is one of the leading distributors of this centrifugal separator sand removal system in the US. The SKU of this product is H2O.

Specifications of Lakos SandMaster Centrifugal Water Filter

The H2O series meets the following specifications:


Flow Range (GPM)

Inlet / Outlet

Dry Weight (lbs.)

Height/ Diameter



See SMP-05




19/3/16″ /




 See SMP-10




19/3/16″ /




See SMP-20




24-3/4″ /




See SMP-30


1 1/4″


24-3/4″ /




See SMP-45


1 1/2″


24-3/4″ /


Beneficial Features of the Lakos SandMaster Sand Separators

  1. It provides cleaner water for residential fresh water systems.
  2. The sand separator helps eliminate sand that build-up in toilet tanks, hot water heaters, ice makers, and other appliances related to water.
  3. This centrifugal water filter helps protect sprinkler nozzles from getting clogged and damaged.
  4. Aerators/screens getting clogged.
  5. Extends the overall life and operating cycles of the water softeners are extended under water treatment/cartridge systems and sink R.O. systems.
  6. This sand separator is extremely easy to install and features an optional automatic purge valve, which delivers maintenance-free operation.
  7. The H2O series comes with a 1 year warranty.

Working of the Centrifugal Separator Sand Removal System

Here is a step-by-step working of the SandMaster sand separators:

  • Sandy Water In

The pump passes the water containing sand, grit, and silt flows into the SandMaster.

  • Centrifugal Action Separation

Centrifugal action in the SandMaster throws the particles to its perimeter. The particles then fall in the lower chamber and get collected there.

  • Clean Water Out

The water is now free from contaminants, such as grit, sand, and silt. This clean water then exits the separator and is passed to the pressure tank.

  • Sand Purge

The separated particles are flushed by opening the valve periodically.

Very Important: It is important to know the flow rate prior to selecting the system.

How to Calculate the Well System Flow Rate

As a part of preparation, you need to be ready with a 1 or 5 gallon bucket, and a watch. Following the simple steps below will help you calculate your system flow rate.

  1. Open a faucet or a hose bib until the pump is turned on.
  2. Close the faucet or hose bib. Allow the pump to fill up the pressure tank. Once the tank is filled, the pump will turn off.
  3. Take a bucket of 1 or 5 gallon capacity. Open the faucet and collect all the water until the pump is turned on. Measure the water collected. Note the number of times you fill the bucket.
  4. Once the pump is turned on, close the faucet immediately, and start timing the pump cycle.
  5. Record the pump cycle time to refill pressure tank in seconds, once the pump is turned off.
  6. Divide the number of gallons collected in Step 3 by the number of seconds in Step 5.
  7. Multiply the answer that you got in Step 6 by 60.
  8. The number you get by executing Step 6 is the average pumping capacity of the pump, which is calculated in gallons per minute (GPM).

Corrosion Warning

Be it any water system, it is likely to face problems like corrosion. The Lakos SandMaster Sand Separator(H2O) series is made from carbon steel material. Thus, while you select this model of sand separator, you should take into account the water quality. Check if the pH level is less than 7.2. If so, it is recommended to increase the pH level. This will reduce the chances of corrosion on the carbon steel material, and hence will make your equipment durable. Pin-hole leaks might occur, if the water that you use is acidic. If adjusting the pH to neutral is not possible for you, then it is advisable to use SMP Series or ILS Series separators that are made from stainless steel material. Cannon Water Technology carries pH neutralizers that can be easily installed on your water system. Please contact us for more information on how to prevent corrosion of your system piping.

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